College Fencing Programs

Colorado is home to only one NCAA fencing program: Air Force Academy.

Nearly all of the top Colorado fencers leave our state to attend college with NCAA teams or strong club programs.

We have watched as the fencing valedictorians of South High School, George Washington High School, and Littleton High attended U. of Chicago, Cornell University, and Cal Tech in recent years.

The Denver Fencing Foundation is committed to adding multiple NCAA fencing programs in our state to keep the brain drain from continuing. The Denver Fencing Foundation works with local Colorado Universities to add fencing programs to athletic departments. The Denver Fencing Foundation has close ties to the work of the Western Fencing Conference and we share their goal of adding 10 NCAA fencing teams to Western USA by 2030.

NCAA Research bar graph with 2017-2018 academic data.

Fencing brings the top academic student-athletes to universities. As you can see, male fencers have the highest core high school GPA among NCAA Division I First year student athletes with women finishing high as well; tied for third with two other sports.

Fencers graduate from college at near perfect rates.

Those alumni fencers will make more financial donations to their college than the regular student body.

The Denver Fencing Foundation would love to work with colleges to get these coveted student-athletes and keep some of the top academic students in Colorado.